Last but not least there will be multiplayer, where up to eight players can unleash their huge armies on each other for supremacy. In addition to that though there will be a concrete series of scripted battles that you can reenact depicting critical events in Hyrule's history (For instance the massive battle between the Kokiri and Gohma in my comic book for those that have read). This storyline will be rather freeform and up to the player to decide. Chronologically it takes place over several hundred years as you watch and help develop Hyrule's history, culture, and ultimately its fate depending on what faction you choose to lead. Hyrule: Total War will be structured in a similar manner. If you've never heard of Medieval 2: Total War, I hiiiiiighly suggest buying it and the expansion packs immediately (it's one of the best RTS games ever made).

It's going to use the same engine that Creative Assembly's Medieval 2: Total War uses, so if you have that game naturally you'll feel right at home with this (as well as being able to play this for free). Well, sometimes in life you just have to do things yourself, and after years of practice, learning, and lots of head-desks after hearing of each new Zelda game announcements, I finally have the power to make my one desire come true. I've been very confident that Nintendo would never create an RTS, and with the huge step into kiddy-choo-choo-lala land of the recent Zelda games I'm fairly sure an "Epic" scaled Zelda game is faaaaar out of the question. For years all I have ever wanted more then anything was an epic scaled Zelda game, in particular an RTS. I feel as though over the years I've been distracted on what my original goal was with two Zelda RPG games and an oversized comic. If my last submission was not a hint enough, I've decided to shift my direction and head back into the Zelda universe one last time. INFO, UPDATES, AND PLAYABLE DEMOS CAN BE FOUND HERE: