I do, however, appear as the liege of the vassal that I granted the title Diplomatic actions are accessed by right-clicking a character's portrait. When I grant a vassal a landed title the name of that county dissapears from the outliner and I am no longer able to collect taxes or train soldiers in that county. I'm getting this information from the outliner, by the way. The only difference between Agnatic and Agnatic-Cognatic is that under Agnatic-Cognatic, women are valid candidates under feudal elective succession, and women will inherit if there are no eligible males (all succession types). Women can only be granted landed titles under true Cognatic succession. Women could only ever inherit if there was no valid male candidate, and even then only in some of Europe. You can't grant a female a title without the correct culture/laws/religion, as the medieval period was full of misogyny. However you still have a limit to number of theocratic. Landed women under agnatic-cognatic are still eligible for more titles. However for other landed titles, you need absolute-cognatic or some flavor of enatic inheritance to grant titles. You should be able to grant bishoprics to them. Advisors may now jockey for positions of influence and adversaries should save their schemes for another day.

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