Before that, again he only controlled a County, and some Baronies and Bishoprics. My son, only inherited the grand Titles of 2 Dutchies, after the King, his father died. He had higher Titles than my King's son, before my King died. The Nephew who took over (the son's cousin). he did not become the next Player Character. Or half my "kingdom".Īnd the Nephew, who was the winning Elective, when my king died. And then he also inherited 2 Titles of Dutchy in my lands too! After my King died. The Nephew held some Dutchy Titles in his own territory. Just like my own king (as well the son who became my player character, who was also 'king'. But, that son ended up inheriting all the Core lands which included 1/2 of the Dutchy Titles. Effectively losing all those -Heir of- Titles (which I thought was strange). He even had Small titles held in the territory that the Nephew, ended up completely inheriting. Nothing higher than County with most being Baron and Bishopric. My only 'son' was not a Electorate and he only held small Land Titles. As I noticed in the Intrigue panel, there was still on option to "Make Leon (spain) into a Kingdom" -grey'd out, option. I was a King with 4 Duchy Titles (not yet a kingdom) even though my playable character was called a King. Originally posted by galadon3:what titles EXACTLY did wich of them inherit? I was not allowed to play as my elected successor. "If used by a player-controlled realm, the player will play as their elected successor in the primary title." I got this straight from the Wiki you provided. I am so confused why 'this time' the RIGHT guy, did not become my Kingdom's successor. My son, was not suppose to be Heir though!Īnd he was also not suppose to be the Player Character.Įverytime an Electorate has the highest vote, and wins succession, in the succession panel (as soon as the old King dies) that Electorate ALWAYS becomes my next Player Character and Faction Heir. The Nephew ended up inheriting 'half' my kingdom. Our Kingdoms had very strong family ties, and blood. The Nephew, had his own Kingdom, separate from mine.

But, I wanted the Nephew to become the next King, and be my player character.Īnd this Nephew, was indeed up to be the next Heir, according to the Elective laws of succession, and according to the Elective vote panel. I Elected for my King's NEPHEW, as the next Heir.

But, I got confused after a recent things happened in my game. Originally posted by galadon3:doesnt need to be a son, people from the rulers dynasty (as have your dynasty name and coat of arms) are eligible